Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Worst first experience everrrr!!!!

Good evening everyone!! I was originally assigned at a high school I was not very familiar with. I went for a ride the night before to make sure I knew EXACTLY where I was going. I was all set and ready to go for my first day, when I recieved an e-mail saying the teacher I was assigned to had changed her schedule. Okay, no big deal. So I tried working it out, but our schedules were SO different that there was no way. I was reassigned to a very new high school to do my service learning in a Pre-Calculus class. Because of all the conflicts, and loss of paperwork, not on my part I should add, I started my service learning hours very late in the semester.

So there I was, following directions from mapquest to my high school, and the directions took me to a closed gate with a big, unlabeled, brick building behind it. Okay, what building is that??? That does not look like a school. How do I get through that gate?? I finally found my way through an old plaza to get to the building, and I surrounded the whole building trying to figure out what it was. Finally, I walk up to the front dorrs and there is a little tiny paper sign with the name of the school through a set of double doors. Success! I had found the school. I went home to get changed into my professional outfit I had picked out the night before.

Nervous, but excited, I was off to the school to start my serice learning! I got there, was buzzed into the main office, and was not greeted very nicely. I told the secretary what I was there for and who I was there to see. All she said was, "he's not here". "Okay, so what should I do?", I said. All she said was, "well thats ok, you are fine." I was very confused, this was my first visit, I had no idea what to do, where to go, where to sign in, and she was not helping me. She was very vague, and after alot of confusion on my part, she finally said, "oh that teacher doesnt even have a class this period, he mees with other teachers at this time." Great.. what now? Why was I even assigned to come on this day if my teacher did not even have a class??? I had to miss my meeting for Secondary Education majors for this visit that was very poorly planned. I was told this teacher was available at this time on this day and he was not. Just thinking about it makes me livid!

Finally, almost 2 weeks later, I was able to meet with the teacher on the right day at the right time, and all he had me do was observe the class. Hopefully this gets better....


I have never written a blog before, so this is extremely weird to me!! I had the toughest time getting my old computer to let me do this .. but here I am! My name is Kim as everyone knows, and I am in my third year at RIC. I have finished all my general education classes and am all set to start my major in Secondary Education in Mathematics.

My semester is going great!!! I am doing fabulous in all my math classes! Since I am done with all my gen eds, I can focus on my math and education classes.

I grew up in Cranston, RI and graduated from Cranston High School West in 2007. I live with my mom, older sister Jessica, and my little brother Devon. I have 2 Border Collies names Koda and Skye, who I take to work with me 4 times a week. I work at a pet store called All About pets, in Warwick (which is where I take my dogs obviously lol) and also American Eagle Outfitters in the Warwick Mall. I love playing the piano and singing =] I have recently gotten into country music and I cannot get enough of it!!!! Talk to you again soon!!!
